
Posts Tagged ‘sand’

Drawing a Line in the Sand

September 20, 2010 Leave a comment

I’m going to be 30 in two days.

A year ago when I turned 29, I didn’t think much about the prospect of turning 30. Now that the time until that day can be measured in a reasonable number of hours, it’s starting to dawn on me that time is passing by quickly and although I have had, and continue to have a good life, there is also a lot that I’ve squandered as well.

Most people I know that are in their 30’s have told me that their lives haven’t changed from when they were in their 20’s. I can understand that, because in all likelihood the day-to-day operations of their lives haven’t. They still get up and go to their jobs, they still hang out with friends a few times a week, spend time with their families, go on vacations, etc. But I don’t think that they ever came across any kind of moment when they felt like they had to define their lives in some other way, or that they reached a point where they realized that the status quo wasn’t good enough.

I’m at that point. I see the prospect of 30 as the beginning of a new chapter in my life. It’s not due to a change in lifestyle like a new job, a new relationship, a death in the family or anything like that. It’s simply where I’ve decided to draw the line in the sand and say that I’m not content to continue on doing what I’ve been doing and work to become a better man.

Maybe this is my true quarter-life crisis coming through. The previous episodes were just annoyances with the fact that life wasn’t going the way I wanted to or that I felt cheated upon for not being a millionaire by the time I was 27. Like most people I think that my expectations (and disappointments) in my life were brought on by the fact that those expectations were unrealistic, or that I didn’t understand fully what had to be done to achieve them. I like to think that’s not the case anymore.

I resurrected this blog to be my conduit on the progress I’m making in living a better life. It’s a place where I’m going to document my thoughts and experiences, endeavors and attributes on being the kind of man I would want to be, one that complains less and does more, that has the confidence to tackle any challenge head on and the skills and ability to see it through.

At the crossroads of 30, this is where my journey begins.

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