
Hi, I’m Jeremy. I started this blog to keep track of my progress on improving the quality of my life and in becoming a better man. The experiences and philosophies documented here are based solely on my own experiences and what works for me. Sometimes it will be like a journal and sometimes it will be like real articles. User experiences may vary.

Some facts about me:

I have a tendency to write software, drink coffee and good beer  and photograph things.

For profit I am an IT professional living in lower-upstate NY. I am a graduate of the Computer Science program in the NY State University (SUNY) system.

For fun I dabble in most things technology related, cooking, photography, music and writing. I’m generally interested in how most everything works. I take things apart and make other things out of them. It’s a trait I share with my siblings.

I love chocolate milk and good beer, though not necessarily at the same time.

I make bread. I think it’s an important thing to do, like getting back to our roots. Few things are more fundamental than bread.

I’m a terrible liar so I don’t do it. Most people don’t believe the truth anyway.

I listen to everything because I don’t think enough people do it. You tend to catch a lot more about what’s going on by stopping to listen, rather than just waiting for your turn to speak.

I have a good life. I try to make the most of it.

I have always considered myself a work in progress.