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In a Flurry of Activity

Yesterday, in the span of about 2 hours, the housing process moved ahead by leaps in bounds. Where I had heard nothing from ANYONE on my team for the house purchase, I sudden had the signed and returned contracts, the application and disclosures for the loan, title search information and a 49 page document to review and sign several times, scan back into my computer and send to the lender. And you know what? I got it all done, though admittingly with a lot of help from friends of the family who happen to be land surveyors, attorneys, and my dear mother who used to be a residential mortgage officer herself.

Bottom line… it pays to know people.

What I haven’t yet made progress on is going through all 5 years of my crap thats sitting around in my apartment, throwing out what I don’t want or use, and begin packing up the rest. Initially I thought this wouldn’t take much time to do since I believe I lived a pretty minimalist lifestyle. Turns out I just stuffed all the junk in my closets. This is going to take longer than I thought.

The facebook-less world is… still strange. Though two of my friends, including fellow blogger Nicole have jumped on board with the experiment since I went running for the hills on Sunday. Maybe this will catch on? Maybe the next big thing to participate in is NOT participating? Stranger things have happened. What I have found though is that if you are going to try and break the facebook addiction you NEED to stay busy. Yesterday for instance I was reviewing mortgage documents until 10:30 pm, so I didn’t have much time to sit and wonder what people are doing. Nicole is planning on trying to make a dent in her pile of unread books, and when I have the time to do so I think I’ll give that a crack as well.

One thing is for sure, you’ve got to find something to take the information edge off… like methadone to a heroin addict.

Also, sooner or later I will definitely post a new instructional article on the subject of one of my big pet peeves, how to write an intelligent email. Granted I’m by no means qualified other than the fact that I’ve been doing it personally and/or professionally for 20 years, but some things just need to be said… ’nuff said.

Categories: Generally, Life
  1. November 4, 2010 at 3:44 pm

    I am so glad I decided to join you in this! Yesterday was a day full of productivity for me. Finally! Let’s see if I can tackle some reading tonight. 🙂

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