Day 2

Ugh… This seriously sucks. I really had no clue how much of an addiction information can be, especially when it comes to the juicy,  “I’m with the in-crowd” kind of information from facebook. I honestly think I’m having withdrawal symptoms. Aside from the sudden feelings of despair when I look on my phone and the place where the facebook app used to be is now for the weather, and when people in real life talk about whats going on facebook, I suddenly developed a terrible sore throat that just won’t quit. Is this really happening? Is such a thing possible? Could it be that you can be addicted to a social network just like you can be addicted to a substance?

Maybe its not so strange though… it occurred to me that while I often make commentary in some circles about my complete disdain for the instant availability of information and how we are constantly bombarded by it, I hypocritically can’t be without it. If the information isn’t there at my finger tips as a safety net I just can’t function. The facebook adventure being what it is, I’m also having a very hard time dealing with the process of me buying a house, mostly because at the moment I have no idea what is going on.

A week ago today I signed the contract for the purchase of the house I found, a nice well-maintained ranch with a full basement on the outskirts of town on a peaceful cul de sac. Its perfect for me and I want nothing more right now than to move into it. When I left my attorney’s office I shot an email back to him and to the lender I’ve been working with that the contracts were signed on my end and for my attorney to email an electronic copy of everything to the lender once the seller signed their contract. The lender even went so far as to reach out to my attorney and try and get the ball moving. A week later there has been no movement. I asked the lender if he had gotten what he needed. He didn’t. I asked my attorney for an update, and I got none. I’m not an impatient person, but I have deadlines to meet and I expect others to do their part. These people are working for me and I get very upset when people I’ve hired don’t live up to expectations. For all I know though, there could be a lot going on that I just don’t know about because my attorney hasn’t copied me on any emails.

And that’s the problem… I can’t unplug and worse still I rely on others to deliver the information to me. Even when I’m on vacation I’m constantly looking for the next email, the next text message, the next update from facebook or twitter or myspace or whatever.

Is there any hope for recovery though? I think so… At least, I hope so. I’m hoping that if I can hold on for two weeks and keep myself with distracted with all of the other things I need to do that I can break the cycle. As mentioned in my last post I’ve got a lot of cleaning, sorting, de-cluttering to do in preparation for my impending move out of my apartment at the end of the month. I don’t have a choice in this, I sent the letter back to the management that I wouldn’t be renewing my contract. The clock is ticking.

I also decided that, because I hate myself, I was going to learn Objective-C so that I can better develop applications for Apple products, like Mac OSX and iOS devices. That’s no small task in itself. While I technically know six different programming languages already, for the past 8 years I’ve primarily coded in VB, since it suited my work life. However, that’s the only place I use a Windows PC, everywhere else it’s all Mac OSX and Linux. Time to get real about that too.

I could also spend more time on this blog… you never know, stranger things have happened.

I feel  little better after letting all of that out. Maybe life without facebook won’t be so bad after all.

Categories: Generally, health, Life, Smarts
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